Have you ever gotten frustrated with Reddit because you want to just share the pictures on your TV and not pass your phone around? Now you dont have to pass your phone anywhere, just connect to a Chromecast, and choose which subreddit you want to cast, and let the fun begin! RedditCaster is the Ad-Free version of the popular app to stream Reddit to your Chromecast!
RedditCaster currently supports IMAGE slideshows from reddit, which will play a slideshow of all of the images found on a chosen subreddit straight to your chromecast device.
Current Features:* Play a slideshow of image links from any subreddit to your chromecast.* Many settings to show/hide captions (post titles), adjust placement and size of captions, etc...* Ability to move forward, back, play, and pause the slideshow.
Features In Development:* Playing video links in a slideshow format.